
عرض المشاركات من يناير, 2018

World Baldness Classification In Men

Hair Transplant in turkey dr. olcay saygin There are many baldness patterns in male occurs during people’s life. Many of young men start losing hair from 20 years old without a clear reason that way we are losing hair in this age. Likely the reason behind hair loss in this age is due to a genetic factors. Where research has shown that genetic factors are responsible for 95% of baldness cases. In 1950s a scientist called (James Hamilton) has classified the male pattern baldness to eight ranges starting from range one to range eight and called “Hamilton scale”. But in 1970s this scale was revised and updated by O’Tar Norwood and became known as Hamilton-Norwood scale or simply the Norwood scale. Norwood-Hamilton classification system Hamilton studied more than 300 males with hair loss, and proposed a detailed classification system based on front parietal and frontal recessions and frontal thinning, which consisted of eight evolutionary aspects and three subgroups. ...